I regard the superb New Forest National Park as my 'local patch' as I live on the edge of this unique location. It is studded with ancient and ornamental broad-leaved woodlands, mires, ponds and streams, timber plantations and glorious heathlands. Consequently this wide variety of habitats produces a broad range of wildlife species ranging from the mighty Red Deer right down to tiny Wood Crickets; the New Forest is the stronghold for this latter species in Britain.
Ancient rights, local traditions and constantly changing work practices add greatly to this, Britain's smallest National Park. However, it is an area under great pressure with perhaps 13 million day-visits annually. This pressure means that the Forest is in danger of loosing some of the rarer species but, of course, work goes on to help revive certain declining plants and insects for instance.
The ponies, cattle and donkeys are often thought of as being 'wild' animals but the truth is that they are all owned and are part of Commoners' livings. Please keep your distance from the animals; do not feed, touch or pet them as this can cause problems.
This presentation is illustrated by my own acclaimed photography with a commentary in my usual light but informative style. The talk will be varied to suit the individual audience.
If you would like to book this or any other of my talks, please telephone me or send me an email. Sending an email can be done via my 'contact me' page.