Within the Rocky Mountains of the USA there are many fabulous National Parks. These include the World's first ever National Park, Yellowstone as well as Grand Teton and Rocky Mountain National Parks.
All are super places to visit for the fantastic scenery as well as the wildlife. The talk includes photos of bears and bison, occasionally at uncomfortably close range as well as a host of colourful bird species. In Yellowstone there is also the geothermal activity including Old Faithful and many other geysers, mud pools and hot springs. They claim that 75% of the World's geothermal activity can be found there. Added to the birds and mammals there are lots of beautiful and colourful wild flowers many of which could be regarded as 'Alpine'.
Grand Teton National Park has stunning views to the Teton Mountains as well as a similar amount of mammals, birds and flowers while 2 visits to Rocky Mountain National Park shows the abundance of wildlife there too.
Prior to our first visit to Rocky Mountain National Park we were to discover the power of the weather as well as you will find out if you hear this colourful and superbly illustrated presentation.
The talk is illustrated by my own photography and delivered in my usual light but informative style.
If you would like to book this or any other of my talks, please telephone me or send me an email. Sending an email can be done via my 'contact me' page.